META Dynamic Inc.

Five Things to Consider in Your Medical Supply Partnerships

Surgical instruments

The healthcare industry is one of the most rapidly evolving industries in the world. With technological advances, illness trends as well as changes in regulation, it’s easy to understand why. When choosing your medical supply partners, look for these high-ranking qualities to keep you at the cutting edge while sparing your pocket..

1. Availability

A supplier’s availability is probably the first thing you should consider when selecting medical supply partners. Can your medical supplier meet your demands quickly? If they don’t have enough inventory or cannot get you medical support quickly enough – they may not be a valuable resource to your operation. Any delays early in the working relationship should be considered red flags. Time is crucial in your practice; each minute wasted on supplier shortcomings is a minute that could be dedicated to saving lives.

Look for vendors with proven track records of delivering their products and services on time and for the duration promised.

2. Excellent Customer Service

When looking into your medical partnerships, customer service is a top priority. A lapse in service could mean delays, product misuse and in some cases, death. You do not want a supplier who isn’t on top of things post sale. A great liaison between your practice and your medical supplier is paramount to ensure a smooth delivery between you two.

Smooth operation of your facility can depend on who you partner with. Engage with suppliers that promise top-quality customer service; before, during, and after your transaction.

3. Extensive Technical Expertise

It goes without saying that a medical supplier should know their trade. Any question asked should be effectively and thoroughly answered. They should know enough about their equipment to guide you on what equipment or services suit your current practice.

Medical equipment and service solutions can be very complex, so the technical expertise of a medical supplier is handy. If a supplier fully understands the bandwidth of their tools, supplies and resources, they have the ability to get extremely granular with the possibilities available to you. This not only makes your decision easier and faster, but also educates you on future purchases.

4. Scalability

A supplier should have the capacity to grow with your practice. It would be counterproductive to partner with a company that you could easily outgrow in a few years. At a time when you are busy managing increased patient flows and other growth challenges, the last thing you want to be worried about is finding a new supplier.

It’s important to find a supplier who has the bandwidth of resources to meet your needs now, and in the future. Well-established vendors and suppliers usually have a proven track record of providing this service.

5. Convenience

You already have hard jobs. Considering you have to retain laser focus as you carry out your job, the last thing you need is more complexity. Any supplier who adds stress or pressure to the practice should be avoided like the plague. A couple of red flags you need to look out for are if you are constantly having back and forth calls with the supplier, struggling to contact them, consistently late or faulty equipment deliveries, and surprise bills among others. All this time spent on menial tasks is time that could be better spent saving lives. Pick a partner that delivers convenience. It’s the least you deserve

Looking to make a change with your medical equipment supplier? META meets all of these qualities (and more) of things to consider in your medical supply partnerships. META is the #1 hospital system support and rental service in the surgical navigation field. Click here to chat about how META can become your medical supply partner.

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